Users want a rich pool from which to search, simplicity, and satisfaction. One does not have to take a 50-minute instruction session to order from Amazon. Why should libraries continue to be so difficult for our users to master?
Examples:- Users expect one system or search to cover a wide information universe (ala Google or
- Enriched metadata. (ONIX, tables of contents, cover art, etc.).
- Full-text availability.
- Users want to move easily/seamlessly from a citation ABOUT an item to the item itself. Discovery alone is not enough.
- Users expect systems to provide lots of intelligent assistance.
- Correct obvious spelling errors.
- Sort results in order of relevance to their queries.
- Help in navigating large retrievals through logical subsetting or topical maps or hierarchies.
- Help in selecting the best thing through relevance ranking or added commentary from peers & experts or “others who used this also used that” tools.
- Customization and personalization services.
- Authenticated single sign-on.
- Security/privacy.
- Communication and collaboration.
- Multiple formats available: e-books, mpeg, jpeg, rss and other push technologies – along with traditional, tangible formats.
- Direct links to E-mail, Instant Messaging (IM), sharing.
- Scholars increasingly participate in online virtual communities for research and education.
- Users want what the library has to offer, without having to come to the library to get it.
- Citado de:
- Rethinking How We Provide Bibliographic Services for the University of California
Bibliographic Services Task Force
Pare, Olhe, Leia Ponto.
A lista de recomendações (a lista de causas é que está a acima) é imperdível.
Parafraseando Churchill, e desde já reservo o titulo para um artgo sobre o impacto a Web 2.0 sobre as bibliotecas: This is our finest hour!
A bibliografia (Apendice G, página 59 a 80) também é importante.