O comité IFLA da “Liberdade de Expressão e Liberdade de Acesso à Informação” organiza a sessão plenária do dia 21 de Agosto, das 12:45 às 13:45, focando a polémica dos “cartoons do profeta’.
Do convite:
Maybe there are others who find it difficult to see the value of free expression if what is said causes unease and distress. If so, it is a very good thing to be forced to think about questions such as ‘Is freedom of expression an absolute right of all human beings, or are there topics and circumstances where it does not apply?’
Mais adiante afirma:
Faife’s values suggest that it is always a good thing to have debate, even on the most difficult issues, so you are invited to come and express your views in an open and considered way…