O estudo "Towards a new model of LIS competences management in Portugal: implications for the praxis and academia studies", da autoria dos membros da direcção da INCITE, Paula Ochôa e Leonor Gaspar Pinto está já disponível online no sitio da INCITE.
Chamo a atenção para:~
The question also fits with the idea that many Portuguese LIS courses are locked into an
expected low skills equilibrium, involving the area of vocational education and
training and related to institutional and national regulatory frameworks.
Realce das autoras.
There are three inter-related elements to this equilibrium:
- Relatively poor investment in management skills. This makes it difficult for
academia to innovate in terms of moving the strategic and educational focus
from the reproduction of core skills of the profession to high specification skills
that guarantee employability in work markets.- The pattern of labour market demand tends to favour traditional skills.
- Insufficient development of LIS studies levels. Without academic levels such as
masters and doctoral studies, Portuguese librarians have few incentives to
upgrade their skills. This situation is sustainable because there is still a lack of
strong commitment of professional groups of leading LIS professionals to goals
of high level skill formation
Notes from Fernanda Ribeiro: How can you study the relation between practicians and academia if there is no Portuguese LOIS academia? Only one LIS undergraduate course adopted the Euro Referencial? How can we have have a Maters couse if there are no Doctorates to teach them?
Notes from Dr. Pina Falcão: Where there recomendations about conditions (human and ambient) to the IEPF guidelines? We trained more than 5000 support staff since the 199?… how come the government never contacted us?