IL2007: Sessão I: Lee Raine

By | 29 de Outubro de 2007

Writingstal i of a loud librarian… 2005

F2c Freedom to connect

Já fez uma apresentação com o ecran a passar um sessão  de chat pela audiência.


8 hallmarks of the new digital cosystems:

  1. Gabgets eveywhere connected all the time ; the web is a storage place for many people
  2. The internet is everywhere, broadband at home = 96 Mill, and they make stuff!!!
  3. new gadgets enable creation ans acess everywhere via wireless +-35% internet via wireless
    88% of U students with cell phones, 81% with cell cammeras
  4. Ordinary citizens can be storytellers and reccord thir view. Now the audience is onstage
    55% of american teens have profiles on network sites
    they are sensitive about privacy
    they know how to avoid predators
    only 20% adults have such sites
    daschboards for the social life of children
    blog creation, and htey are not conscious of it.
    many people dont’ even understand they are on a blog
    19% youngs have avatars and are on metaverses and interacting with others.
    9% of adults have done this
  5. Alll this content cresation has an audience
    54% / 36% read blogs ( non mainstream kind of blogs like newspapers etc)
    Yungs write for 3 best friends and 2 worst enemies
    44% / 36% use wikipedia
    14% ear podcasts
  6. Comunities are bbeing created – information sharing and evolutuion
    37% have reated something
    34% have tagged something
    25% have commented on videos, blogs, photos
  7. Amerianas are customizing the online experience, via agregators, iGoogle, netvibes, etc. The infobuble and the loss of cultural comonalities (?)
    25% are using RSS altouhg many do no know it.
  8. Diferent people use same things in diferente ways
    ? what gadgets
    ? what do you do
    ? with what attitudes ( what does it make you do better? or just do/not do)


1. Ominvores top of the food chain
late 20’s male, home broadband=89%, students, wireless, photo video freaks
icon: Al Gore and Stephen Abram
8% of the population

2. Connectors
Late 20’s, female, Home bband= 86%, email fanatics
Icon: Diane Keaton

3. Lackluster veterans
40’s males, home bband=77%
then is needed, nort essential, don’t like allways on wolrd.
icon: Soprano ( he shot hois computer)

4. Productivity enchancers
40ish, because of eficiency, they do not like to blowse for fun.
Icon: jack Bower


1. Mobile centrics
Paris Hilton, Alicia Silverstone, mobile like a body part.

2. Coonected but hassled


1. inexperienced experimenters
50ish, home bband 15%
icon; marge simpson

2. ligth but satisfied (15%)
you have to call them to check theys email
icon: put your oldest tech relative wary here ( a tua tia que finalmente pos a fotografia na net)

3. indiferentes /(11%)
I dont’s like this stuff.
coach edwards…

Off the networks 15%
It’s full of porn and bad stuff

Surprises: large low tech crowd 49%

small technophile 8% ( they are the goers )

“demand pull” lags behing “supply push”?

offer much bigger athan action aceptance http://…/quyiz/quiz.asp

this changes relationship to info and to each other

1. Volume of info: long tail getting longer and longer

2. Velocity of inbformion acess, so smart mobs emerge

3. venues of intersection bet people and information multiply, place shift, tiome shift, “absent presence” happens

4. Vemturing for information changes search stategies and search expectations spread

5. Vigilance for information tranmsforms attention is truncated (continuous partial attention) and elongated (deep dives) /kthey keep interested for longer and sometimes deeper)

6. valence (relevance) of info improves “#daily me” and “daily us”

7 vetting of info becomes social, credibility changes as people ping their networks

8i. viewing of info is disagregated and becomes more horizontal – new reading mechanins emerge as coping mechanisms

9. Voting and ventilating about information

10 invention of info and the cvisibility os new creators

But it’s not homo connectus, they are very very sapiens, just another method of getting to be sapiens


ISTO VAI PRECISAR DE UMA GRANDE LIMPEZA…. mas pronto por enquanto fica assim