Um estudo que eu gostaria de ter tido ao alcance, durante muitos trabalhos de Bibliotecas Digitais, e que gostaria muito que os discentes da área lessem é:
Many More than a Million: Building the digital environment for the age of abundance
Sponsored by the Council on Library and Information Resources
Report of a One-Day Seminar on Promoting Digital Scholarship, November 28, 2007
Final Report; March 1, 2008
Da secção “Recomendações” transcrevo:
We may be reaching a limit for what can be accomplished by discussion alone. We do not simply have a set of exemplary research questions for which million book collections are well suited. We can point to a set of services (for example, named entity identification, quotation identification, and mashups from multiple data sources) that users clearly want and for which open source code bases exist. Our library community increasingly understands that data curation will be a central library function and that such stewardship includes not only the data but also the services we use to analyze and augment that data. So to borrow a practice from our colleagues in computer science and engineering, we recommend starting to prototype some ideas to see how they work and to use the results of these experiences to inform the ongoing discussion.