The organization theorem states that the organization of an enterprise is a heterogeneous system that is constituted as the layered integration of three homogeneous systems: the B-organization (from Business), the I-organization (from Intellect), and the D-organization (from Document).
The relationships among them are that the D-organization supports the I-organization, and the I-organization supports the B-organization. The integration is established through the cohesive unity of the human being.
Via: Enterprise Ontology: Theory and Methodology
Não sei porquê cheira-me que o Jan Dietz e o Armando Malheiro se iam dar muito bem… acho mesmo que têm muito a aprender um com o outro… sinto as mesmas zonas do meu cérebro a despertar agora que quando andava a digerir a Arquivistica: Teoria e Pratica de uma Ciencia da Informacao