WLIC 06 – Cerimónia de Abertura

By | 20 de Agosto de 2006


Originally uploaded by oitenta e cinco.

Por entre a habitual ‘extravaganza’ musical, o presidente em exercício da IFLA, ALex Byrne, após as platitudes protocolares, elevou a voz para lembrar a todos que existe o dever de encarar de frente e com firmeza as ameças de instauração de ‘Républicas do Medo”

We can not permit ourselves to be intimidated and to become complicit in the processes which set peoples against each other. As information professionals, we are committed to facilitating access to information for all. We are committed to enabling unrestricted access to information by the peoples of the world, to the unbiased provision of information through our libraries and information services. In doing so we set our faces against what ha been called, appropriately, “the republic of fear”