TED 2008

By | 22 de Janeiro de 2008

Dá-me vontade de chorar  não ser podre de rico e comprar bilhete para a fábrica de sonhos que são as conferências TED. O programa é por si só um momento de “Ah!”, e promete pelo menos quatro momentos “Ah!” por dia…  Isto é mais importante que Davos!!!

Por este até faria um trabalho de arquivos pessoais…

By | 20 de Janeiro de 2008


Tenho de investigar isto a ver se os instrumentos de acesso seguem a teoria sistémica aplicada aos arquivos pessoais conforme o Prof. Malheiro recomenda… mas à primeira vista está organizado à volta das obras… É cada obra literária na vida de um escritor equivalente a uma "Função/Profissão" ?

PS: Quando não souberem o que me dar no Natal ou no dia de anos… vários dos manuscritos intermédios das grandes obras de Heinlein podem ser adquiridas em PDF em vários DVD’s.

Os Srs. professores fazem favor de ler isto?

By | 18 de Janeiro de 2008

Ou é preciso oferecer também à biblioteca, ou ao neCTDI…

Library 2.0 Initiatives in Academic Libraries is a hybrid book and wiki presenting twelve case studies of significant Library 2.0 initiatives in academic libraries.

Para despertar o apetite:

  • Acknowledgements
  • Introduction
    Laura B. Cohen
  • Chapter 1:Discovering Places to Serve Patrons in the Long Tail
    Patrick Griffis,Kristin Costello, Darcy Del Bosque,Cory Lampert,Eva Stowers
  • Chapter 2:Chat, Commons, and Collaboration: Inadvertently Library 2.0 in Western Australia
    Kathryn Greenhill,Margaret Jones,Jean McKay
  • Chapter 3:Yale: Taking the Library to Users in the Online University Environment
    Kalee Sprague, Roy Lechich
  • Chapter 4:Delivering Targeted Library Resources into a Blackboard Framework
    Richard Cox
  • Chapter 5:Adapting an Open Source, Scholarly Web 2.0 System for Findability in Library Collections
    Bethany Nowviskie, Elizabeth Sadler, Erik Hatcher
  • Chapter 6:Push and Pull of the OPAC
    Daniel Forsman
  • Chapter 7:UThink: Library Hosted Blogs for a University-Wide Community
    Shane Nakerud
  • Chapter 8:Discussing Student Engagement: An Information Literacy Course Blog
    Gregory Bobish
  • Chapter 9:Building Library 2.0 into Information Literacy: A Case Study.
    Susan Sharpless Smith, Erik Mitchell,Caroline Numbers
  • Chapter 10:IMplementing IM @ Reference: The GW Experience
    Deborah B. Gaspar, Sarah Palacios Wilhelm
  • Chapter 11:Taking the Library to Users: Experimenting with Facebook as an Outreach Tool
    Dawn Lawson
  • Chapter 12:YouTube University: Using XML, Web Services, and Online Video Services to Serve University and Library Video Content
    Jason A. Clark

Relatório: “information behaviour of the researcher of the future”

By | 18 de Janeiro de 2008

A introdução diz:

This study was commissioned by the British Library and JISC to identify how the specialist researchers of the future, currently in their school or pre-school years, are likely to access and interact with digital resources in five to ten years’ time. This is to help library and information services to anticipate and react to any new or emerging behaviours in the most effective way. In this report, we define the `Google generation’ as those born after 1993 and explore the world of a cohort of young people with little or no recollection of life before the web.

Realces meus. Mais à frete diz-se:

Implications for policy makers?
This will require concerted action between libraries, schools and parents.
Confidence level: high (and the stakes are enormous)

O realce vermelho é do original. Mais à frente:

challenges for us all
5.[…]. Faced with the prospect that the future scholar will only ever want to use them remotely it is absolutely crucial that libraries have a means of monitoring and evaluating what they do. Furthermore, it is not sufficient to just listen and monitor it is also necessary to change in response to this data. Otherwise libraries will be increasingly marginalized and anonomized in the virtual information world.
7. The library profession desperately needs leadership to develop a new vision for the 21st century and reverse its declining profile and influence. This should start with effecting that shift from a content-orientation to a user-facing perspective and then on to an outcome focus.

Se ainda não está convencido que precisa de ler isto se costuma ler este blogue, fica o indice:

  • setting the scene
    • what are the aims of this study?
    • how was this study carried out?
    • what is the `google generation’?
    • what is the `digital transition; and how does it affect libraries?
    • how do people currently behave in `virtual libraries’?
  • the google generation
    • what do we know about young people’s information behaviour?
    • how do young people currently behave in virtual libraries?
    • the social networking phenomenon: is it important?
    • google generation: myth or reality?
    • what do we really know about the google generation?
    • where are the skills gaps?
  • looking to the future
    • what are might the information environment be like in 2017?
    • looking to the future
    • what are the implications for `information experts’?
    • what are the implications for research libraries?
    • what are the implications for policy makers?
    • challenges for us all
  • notes and endnotes

Berkeley, Spring 2008

By | 16 de Janeiro de 2008

Pena que tenha tido de arquivar quase todos os cursos que estava seguindo neste semestre… demasiado trabalho, demasiada confusão, demasiada pressão…

Para este semestre tentarei seguir os que indico abaixo, Eng 110 porque é sempre diferente e inspirador (um filósofo a ensinar informática), Info 205 porque liga com Direito de Informação na minha licenciatura, os CS porque vou iniciar uma pós-graduação em Sistemas de Informação e estas podem servir de complemento, por fim Rhetoric 100 porque é uma disciplina do trivium (ou seria quadrivium) que acho engraçado que seja também administrada em Berkeley… numa tradição, talvez ininterrupta, desde os mosteiros medievais (uma era que produz o conceito de "universidade" não pode ser considerada das "trevas", talvez do "lusco fusco", mas "trevas" não).

É sempre cultura…

Eng 110 Introduction to Computers-Interdepartmental Studies

Instructor Americ Azevedo

Eng 110 – Spring 2008 – An introduction to computers and digital technology and culture. The conceptual foundations and functions of computer hardware and software. Structure and use of the Internet. Elements of programming for the World Wide Web. Students will complete a substantial programming project related to their academic interests. Students who have completed other "computer science service courses," at Berkeley, will receive at most one unit of credit for 110, and may receive none. For more information, see the note on "Computer Science Service Courses" in the departmental listing for Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, and/or consult with the instructor.

History 5 The Making of Modern Europe, 1453 to the Present

Instructor Margaret Lavinia Anderson

History 5 – Spring 2008 – A survey of Europe from the Renaissance to the present.

Info 205 Information Law and Policy (Three Day Delay)

Instructor Pam Samuelson

Info 205 – Spring 2008 – Law is one of a number of policies that mediates the tension between free flow and restrictions on the flow of information. This course introduces students to copyright and other forms of legal protection for databases, licensing of information, consumer protection, liability for insecure systems and defective information, privacy, and national and international information policy.

CS 162 Operating Systems and System Programming (Three Day Delay)

Instructor Anthony Joesph

CS 162 – Spring 2008 – Basic concepts of operating systems and system programming. Utility programs, subsystems, multiple-program systems. Processes, interprocess communication, and synchronization. Memory allocation, segmentation, paging. Loading and linking, libraries. Resource allocation, scheduling, performance evaluation. File systems, storage devices, I/O systems. Protection, security, and privacy.

CS 61BL Data Structures and Programming Methodology (Three Day Delay)

Instructor Mike Clancey

CS 61BL – Spring 2008 – Fundamental dynamic data structures, including linear lists, queues, trees, and other linked structures; arrays strings, and hash tables. Storage management. Elementary principles of software engineering. Abstract data types. Algorithms for sorting and searching. Introduction to the Java programming language.

CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

Instructor Brian Harvey

CS 61A – Spring 08 – The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs – Spring 2007. Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b) between programming languages, using functional and rule-based languages as examples. It also relates these techniques to the practical problems of implementation of languages and algorithms on a von Neumann machine. There are several significant programming projects, programmed in a dialect of the LISP language.

Rhetoric 10 Introduction to Practical Reasoning and Critical Analysis of Argument

Instructor Daniel Coffeen

Rhetoric 10 – Spring 2008 – An introduction to practical reasoning and the critical analysis of argument. Topics treated will include: definition, the syllogism, the enthymeme, fallacies, as well as various non-logical appeals. Also, the course will treat in introductory fashion some ancient and modern attempts to relate rhetoric and logic.

WebCasts e PodCasts disponíveis em http://webcast.berkeley.edu/courses.php e várias aulas em em http://www.youtube.com/ucberkeley.

Quer uma educação complementar… agora não tem desculpa!!!  Para quando uma Universidade Portuguesa? Será que os professores tinham coragem? Será que nalguns casos as condições a postura, atitude, empenho, do professor até melhoria?

Agora, preciso duma universidade que leccione Dating 110…, faço 20 anos de casado este ano, quero namorar a minha esposa, e confesso estar destreinado. Alguém sabe?