links for 2007-07-08

By | 8 de Julho de 2007

O passado e o futuro das Bibliotecas Digitais

By | 8 de Julho de 2007

Na análise histórica:

In the mid-1990s the US National Science Foundation launched a digital libraries research programme […] digital libraries were fashionable, they were well-funded, they generated great interest during the great ‘dot-com’ bubble, and they were frankly sometimes threatening (and sometimes deliberately used as a way of threatening) research libraries in the US – if these libraries were not on the road to becoming digital libraries, they were backwaters, obsolete, ‘book museums’; they were in danger of being supplanted or overtaken by commercial competitors. Much of this was, to be blunt, complete rubbish, at least in the near term, but the development of these information management and retrieval systems that were called ‘digital libraries’ and the confusion between these and what actual libraries as organisations do, and the systems that they might use to accomplish those missions, gave rise to a major problem in public perception.

Nas conclusões:

So what has happened to the digital library? At least as I define digital libraries, what happened was that we realised that they are just tools, a bundle of technologies and engineering techniques – that find applications in a surprisingly wide range of settings beyond higher education and research. They are now providing essential services in many areas of commerce and professional practice – for example, law (a very early adopter with Westlaw and Lexis), medicine, finance, etc.

E por fim o que parece ser o estado da arte:

We are in the middle of a very large-scale shift. The nature of that shift is that we are at last building a real linkage between research libraries and the new processes of scholarly communication and scholarly practice, as opposed to just repackaging existing products and services of the traditional scholarly publishing system and the historic research library. In this shift we have left the debate about digital libraries behind, recognising this now as simply shorthand for just one set of technologies and systems among many that are likely to be important.

Na biografia sobre os anos 90:

  • From Gutenberg to the Global Information Infrastructure: Access to Information in the Networked World, Christine L. Borgman, MIT Press, 2000. See in particular Chapter 2.
  • Digital Libraries and the Problem of Purpose“. D-Lib Magazine, 6 (1), (January 2000), David Levy. Available at
  • Digital Library Use: Social Practice in Design and Evaluation, Ann Peterson Bishop, Nancy A. Van House and Barbara P. Buttenfield (eds.), MIT Press, 2003.

In: “Research Libraries Engage the Digital World: A US-UK Comparative Examination of Recent History and Future Prospects” Clifford A. Lynch
08-February-2006, Ariadne Issue 46 

Normas para uso de Obras Orfãs

By | 8 de Julho de 2007



The statement sets out five principles to be followed by users of orphaned works:

  • A reasonably diligent search should be undertaken to find the copyright owner.
  • The user of an orphan work must provide a clear and adequate attribution to the copyright owner.
  • If the copyright owner reappears, the owner should be reasonably remunerated or appropriate restitution should be made.
  • If injunctive relief is available against the use of a previously orphaned work, the injunctive relief should take into account the creative efforts and investment made in good faith by the user of the work.
  • The use of orphan works in non-exclusive.

Bibliografia sobre Bibliotecas Digitais

By | 8 de Julho de 2007

Os esquecidos:

Berkeley Gets Grant for Digital Library. Wilson Library Bulletin. 69.6 (1995): 11.

Berlin, Charles. “Digital Imaging at the Harvard Library.” Harvard Library Bulletin. 5.4 (1994): 3.

Crowley, Mary Jo. “Optical Digital Disk Storage: An Application for News Libraries.” Special Libraries. 79.1 (1988): 34.

DECOMATE: a new digital library project on delivery of copyright materials in electronic form. Program. 29.4 (1995): 473.

Digital library project. Library Journal. 120.8 (1995): 14.

Fischer, Audrey. “Judy McQueen and Richard W. Boss, “Videodisc and Optical Digital Disk Technologies and Their Applications in Libraries, 1986 Update” (Book Review).” Library Quarterly. 57.3 (1987): 341.

Foster, Clifton Dale. “Information Systems Consultants, Inc., “Videodisc and Optical Digital Disk Technologies and Their Applications in Libraries: A Report to the Council on Library Resources” (Book Review).” American Archivist. 49.4 (1986): 465.

Fox, Edward A. “Users, User Interfaces, and Objects: Envision, a Digital Library.” American Society for Information Science, Journal. 44.8 (1993): 480
. [Consegui o PDF. Muito interessante considerando que foi feito em  1993]

Graham, Peter S. “Requirements for the Digital Research Library.” College and Research Libraries. 56.4 (1995): 331.

JACKSON, MARIE. “Donald J. Waters. “From microfilm to digital imagery: on the feasibility of a project to study the means, costs and benefits of converting large quantities of preserved library materials from microfilm to digital images. A report of the Yale University Library to the Commission on Preservation and Access” (Book Review).” British Journal of Academic Librarianship. 6.3 (1991): 185.

LC to lead the way to a National Digital Library. American Libraries. 25.10 (1994): 902.

LC’s Digital Library, UMass Library named for Du Bois. Wilson Library Bulletin. 69.4 (1994): 11.

Renaud, Robert. “”Conference Circuit”: Building the digital library.” College and Research Libraries News. 56.8 (1995): 547.

Schipma, Peter B. “Information Systems Consultants, “Videodisc and Optical Digital Disk Technologies and Their Applications in Libraries” (Book Review).” Library Quarterly. 56.2 (1986): 194.

SCHNELLING, H. “Digitizing Shakespeare: Perspectives of Digital Optical Recording of Renaissance Editions in University Libraries.” Literary and Linguistic Computing. 2.1 (1987): 13.

Seis homens cegos, um elefante, o google e BDEIE

By | 8 de Julho de 2007

The Peloponnesian War and the Future of Reference, Cataloging, and Scholarship in Research Libraries

The paper is an examination of the overall principles and practices of both reference service and cataloging operations in the promotion of scholarly research, pointing out important differences not just in content available onsite and offsite, but also among necessary search techniques. It specifies the differences between scholarship and quick information seeking, and examines the implications of those differences for the future of cataloging. It examines various proposals that the profession should concentrate its efforts on alternatives to cataloging: relevance ranking, tagging, under-the-hood programming, etc. The paper considers the need for, and requirements of, education of researchers; and it examines in detail many of the glaring disconnects between theory and practice in the library profession today. Finally, it provides an overview of the whole “shape of the elephant” of library services, within which cataloging is only one component.

Este documento contem uma fábula indiana de tempos imemoriais e como se aplica nos tempos modernos ao google. Esta fábula deve ser decorada por todas as pessoas que têm de lutar contra a prática de “satisficiência galopante” de utilização desregrada do google e outros motores de pesquisa (mesmo a b-on)

Sei que muitos dos meus leitores não têm facilidade com o inglês portanto aqui vai:

Seis homens cegos foram colocados junto a um elefante e foi-lhes pedido para o descrever: um tocou na perna e disse que o elefante era como uma “árvore”; outro agarrado à cauda disse que era como uma “corda”; outro  sentiu  o lombo e disse que era como uma “parede” ; outro ainda sentiu a presa e disse que era como uma “lança”; ainda um outro disse que era como uma “abano” ao sentir a orelha; por ultimo o que se agarrou à tromba respondeu logo que era como uma “mangueira”.

Todos descobriram qualquer coisa… rapidamente… e ficaram completamente no escuro em termos de preenchimento da necessidade informativa que era necessário preencher.

Pesquisar por algo no google é exactamente o mesmo!

Recentemente tive de fazer uma revisão de literatura publicada sobre “bibliotecas digitais”. Sei que muitos colegas simplesmente iriam ao google, alguns, preciosamente poucos, ao Google Scholar, um ou outro iria à b-on.

A partir de dois sites indicados na literatura fornecida pelo discente acedi à literatura publicada por dois dos investigadores da área (esses mesmos documentos revisões de literatura também). A partir dessas listas de artigos foi-se à procura dos documentos primários, usando a B-ON, a ProQuest, o Google, o Google Scholar, e a Eprints for LIS. Fiquei assim com a visão do passado conseguindo deitar a mão a cerca de 60% dos documentos citados nessas revisões de literatura.

Depois fiz uma pesquisa por artigos que citassem os documentos nucleares, começando a tecer a ‘carpete’ para a frente, de geração em geração, até chegar a artigos publicados em 2006. Aqui foi usado o Google Scholar que não consegui entrar no citation index a partir de casa por VPN do IPP. Mas o facto é que sabendo o que queria encontrar, até o google foi útil, conseguindo descobrir um documento, não em primário mas numa transcrição embutida noutra obra devido a um prémio científico obtido pelo documento almejado. O interessante é que na maior parte das vezes que o google era omisso ou aberrante, (e foi-o muitas vezes) o yahoo dava uma ajuda muito boa, assim como o ask, e o academic live search.

Fiquei com 300++ páginas (em época de frequências a minha casa gasta três resmas de papel) das quais devo ter lido apenas 50 (que isto não era para tese, era só para mais de 15).

Fiquei também com informação, e algum conhecimento, sobre o “elefante” e, para o que devia apenas ter sido um leve (três ou quatro citações) tratamento do conceito “bibliotecas digitais”, gastei da página 4 a 10 e dez citações (Alguém tem output style NP405 completa para EndNote?) com dezenas de citações apud.

Agora tenho de colocar duas perguntas, e uma delas é directa à direcção do curso:

Porque raio está a disciplina de “Recuperação de Informação” no 3º ano?

A outra fica para depois de a nota de BDEIE ser lançada em livro de actos.