Usability: “If users need training to use our systems, we aren’t meeting their needs.”
“Designing an OPAC for Web 2.0
Por isso inventou um OPAC dentro de um blog!
Via: LITA Blog
PS: “Findability” ? Tear down the silo walls!
Usability: “If users need training to use our systems, we aren’t meeting their needs.”
Por isso inventou um OPAC dentro de um blog!
Via: LITA Blog
PS: “Findability” ? Tear down the silo walls!
Challenge 2 Information is only a precondition for equality there must also be |
Desafio 2 Informação é apenas um pre-requisito para a igualdade Deve também existir |
So lets investigate… systemic, strategic, sustainable information literacy why? |
Vamos então investigar.. literacia informacional sistémica, estratégica , sustentável Porquê? |
educational imperatives significant emphasis on lifelong learning & graduate capabilities focus on outcomes-based education and “process-based” learning (rather than “knowledge-based” learning) colleges and universities must in a turbulent and complex world, every college |
imperativos educacionais ênfase significativo na aprendizagem ao longo da vida e capacitação de licenciados foco em resultados e “aprendizagem de processos”, por oposição a aprendizagem de conhecimentos”. Faculdades e universidades devem colocar num mundo complexo e turbulento, cada estudante |
Intentional learners are integrative thinkers who can see connections in seemingly disparate information & draw on a wide range of knowledge to make decisions. |
os estudantes intencionais são pensadores integradores que podem ver ligações em informações aparentemente disjuntas e invocar uma corpo alargado de conhecimento para fundamentar decisões |
they adapt the skills learned in one situation to problems encountered in another: in a classroom, the workplace, their communities, or their personal lives |
adaptam as competências aprendidas numa situação a problemas encontrados noutra: numa aula, no local de trabalho na comunidade nas suas vidas pessoais |
intentional learners succeed even when instability is the only constant | os estudantes intencionais têm sucesso mesmo quando a instabilidade é a única constante | | |
the progressive universities
will be those where learning outcomes |
As universidades progressistas
serão aquelas em que os resultados da aprendizagem |
These universities will evolve & adapt to future educational shifts. |
Estas universidades evoluirão e adaptar-se-ão a um futuro de paradigmas educacionais em constante mudança |
Bundy, A. Beyond information: the academic library as educational change agent. Paper presented at the International Bielefeld Conference, Germany 3-5 February | |
increased influence & involvement in T&L | Maior influência e Envolvimento em ensino e aprendizagem |
government + industry peak bodies + NGOs community + professions administrators + auditors |
governo + industria +ONG’s comunidade + profissões administração + auditores |
increased activity testing |assessment evaluation collaborative T&L partnerships uni/faculty ownership| responsibility library leadership | involvement online courses & resources cross-sectoral collaboration action research + applied theory |
maior actividade teste & avaliação parcerias colaborarias de Ensino & Aprendizagem partilha de responsabilidade nos resultados da escola e/ou faculdade liderança da biblioteca & envolvimento cursos & recursos online colaboração multi-departamental investigação activa + aplicação de teorias |
institutions with strong strategic planning processes | instituições com processos de planeamento bem enraizados estratégico |
are more purposeful & adaptive | têm mais direcção e adaptam-se melhor |
able to move beyond the notion of change as a linear series of sequenced, planned events to ones that are interconnected & occurring simultaneously balances in the strategies, in the interrelationships between the strategies, and applied to the change process itself, are all critical factors in the capacity for institutions to adopt sweeping changes to established norms of process and behaviour |
capazes de ir além da noção de mudança como série linear de eventos planeados e sequenciais para eventos interconectados e simultâneos balanço das estratégia , mas inter relações ente |
Kezar, A. & Eckel, P. Examining the Institutional Transformation Process Research in Higher Education, June, 43 (3), pp. 295-328, (2002). | |
Significantly enhanced student performance in understanding (Bodner, 1986), and comprehension (von Glasserfield, 1987; Leonard and Penick, 1998) | |
Students who “… describe mechanisms and cause-effect relationships; ask questions which focus on explanations and causes, predictions; and engage in …… theorising (paraphrased from Chin and Brown, 2000).
Students who … construct … elaborate, well-differentiated knowledge structures (Pearsall et al., 1997). embedding IL + problem solving + critical thinking = deep learning |
Isto é o fim do 2º episódio. Agradeço correcções e propostas de outra tradução nos comentários a esta entrada. Mais uns dias e coloco o terceiro episódio.
Users want a rich pool from which to search, simplicity, and satisfaction. One does not have to take a 50-minute instruction session to order from Amazon. Why should libraries continue to be so difficult for our users to master?
Examples:Pare, Olhe, Leia Ponto.
A lista de recomendações (a lista de causas é que está a acima) é imperdível.
Parafraseando Churchill, e desde já reservo o titulo para um artgo sobre o impacto a Web 2.0 sobre as bibliotecas: This is our finest hour!
A bibliografia (Apendice G, página 59 a 80) também é importante.
Que dizer duma conferência que a certo ponto do programa contem uma “Open Source Software Installfest” de 8 horas. E não é instalar umas coisas leves, tipo msn, ou firefox. É:
Mas não é por isso que quero ir. É porque das 10:30 em diante ( sem hora para terminar ) Stephen Abram vai discorrer sobre “Web 2.0 and the Library 2.0 in Our Future” nos seguintes termos:
There is a global conversation going on right now about the next generation of the web. It’s happening under the name of Web 2.0. It’s the McLuhanesque hot web, where true human interaction takes precedence over merely “cool” information delivery and e-mail. It’s about putting information into the real context of our users’ lives, work, and play. Concurrently, a group of information professionals are having a conversation about the vision for what Library 2.0 will look like in this Web 2.0 ecosystem. Some are even going so far as to talk about Web 3.0! Web 2.0 is coming fast and it’s BIG! What are the skills and competencies that Librarian 2.0 will need? MySpace and Facebook are just the tip of the iceberg! Come and hear an overview of Web 2.0 and a draft vision for Library 2.0, and an opinion about what adaptations we’ll need to make to thrive in this future scenario.
Noto que o faz, nesta altura, já como presidente em exercício da SLA!
Tamém nesta conferência acho interessanet as semelhanças entre as Poster Sessions e os Posters apresentados na última conferência da minha escola:
Technorati Tags: lita06
Depois de uma “action figure” biblionómica aparece o “Capitão Copyrigth!!!”
Gostava de ver os dois à bulha…
Ainda por cima o Capitão Copyright é um fascista que imediatamente após eu fazer a captura do link para o bonecome apresenta o seguinte texto:
“Web Server Security Alert
website uses a special security software that monitors suspicious
network traffic and behavior. If you feel that you have caused this
security error unintentionally, please contact the website
administrator at the address below and be sure to include the reference
ID in your message.
Email contact:
Reference ID: 20060605750736″
E não me deixa ver mais nada! Se são estas bestas que defendem os direitos de autor e de cópia vou passar a só ouvir musica de elevador!
Um site com uma “noticia de propriedade e direitos” de 1655 palavras! Ora francamente!
As conversas são como as cerejas…
Que relação haverá entre a resistência de tantos eruditos |
![]() |
Tear down the wall |
Texto publicado por um dono de uma livraria no acto de a fechar depois de 29 anos de serviço fiel ao livro. Não sei se as acusações (principalmente aos bibliotecários) serão assim tão merecidas… mas tocante.
Ever thankful to those who made the effort before us, with heartfelt apologies to those who are still in the fight and the few who support them–offered upon the closing of Avenue Victor Hugo Bookshop in Boston.
1. Corporate law (and the politicians, lawyers, businessmen and accountants who created it for their own benefit)–a legal fiction with more rights than the individual citizen, which allows the likes of Barnes & Noble and Walmart to write off the losses of a store in Massachusetts against the profit of another in California, while paying taxes in Delaware–for making ‘competition’ a joke and turning the free market down the dark road toward state capitalism. | |
2. Publishers–marketing their product like so much soap or breakfast cereal, aiming at demographics instead of people, looking for the biggest immediate return instead of considering the future of their industry, ignoring the art of typography, the craft of binding, and needs of editing, all to make a cheapened product of glue and glitz–for being careless of a 500 year heritage with devastating result. | |
3. Book buyers–those who want the ‘convenience’ and ‘cost savings’ of shopping in malls, over the quaint, the dusty, or the unique; who buy books according to price instead of content, and prefer what is popular over what is good–for creating a mass market of the cheap, the loud, and the shiny. | |
4. Writers–who sell their souls to be published, write what is already being written or choose the new for its own sake, opt to feed the demands of editors rather than do their own best work, place style over substance, and bear no standards–for boring their readers unto television. | |
5. Booksellers–who supply the artificial demand created by marketing departments for the short term gain, accept second class treatment from publishers, push what is ‘hot’ instead of developing the long term interest of the reader–for failing to promote quality of content and excellence in book making. | |
6. Government (local, state and federal)–which taxes commercial property to the maximum, driving out the smaller and marginal businesses which are both the seed of future enterprise and the tradition of the past, while giving tax breaks to chain stores, thus killing the personality of a city–for producing the burden of tax codes only accountants can love. | |
7. Librarians–once the guardians, who now watch over their budgets instead–for destroying books which would last centuries to find room for disks and tapes which disintegrate in a few years and require costly maintenance or replacement by equipment soon to be obsolete. | 7. Bibliotecários– Os guardiões de antanho, que agora vigiam mais os orçamentos que os livros — por destruirem livros que duram centenas de anos, para arranjar espaço para discos e bandas que se desintegram em poucos anos, requerem mantutenção dispendiosa ou substituição intergal por outros equipamentos de obsolescência igualmente rápida! |
8. Book collectors–who have metamorphosed from book worms to moths attracted only to the bright; once the sentinels of a favorite author’s work, now mere speculators on the ephemeral product of celebrity–for putting books on the same level with beanie babies. | |
9. Teachers–assigning books because of topical appeal, or because of their own lazy familiarity, instead of choosing what is best; thus a tale about the teenage angst of a World War Two era prep school boy is pushed at students who do not know when World War Two took place–for failing to pass the torch of civilization to the next generation. | |
10. Editors–who have forgotten the editorial craft–for servicing the marketing department, pursuing fast results and name recognition over quality of content and offering authors the Faustian bargain of fame and fortune, while pleading their best intentions like goats. | |
11. Reviewers–for promoting what is being advertised, puffing the famous to gain attention, being petty and personal, and praising the obscure with priestly authority–all the while being paid by the word. | |
12. The Public–those who do not read books, or can not find the time; who live by the flickering light of the television, and will be the first to fear the darkening of civilization–for not caring about consequences. |
“Thus, we come to the twilight of the age of books; to the closing of the mind; to the pitiful end of the quest for knowledge–and stare into the cold abyss of night.”
Via: identity theory | weblogs | a reader’s progress by robert birnbaum
Original por: Free Range Librarian em 3 de Junho de 2006 às 10:56 (CET?), sob o título The User Is Not Broken: A meme masquerading as a manifesto
Infomancy n. 1.The field of magic related to the conjuring of information from the chaos of the universe. 2.The collection of terms, queries, and actions related to the retrieval of information from arcane sources.
Apresentação de Judith Peacock
da Queensland University of Technology
Por ocasião da conference: embedding libraries in learning and research
Ocorrida an Faculdade de Engenharia Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Entre 22 Maio e 25 de Maio 2006
Tradução (não profissional mas com muita paixão) do Bibliotecário 2.0 (β)
THINK Systemically
ACT Strategically
sustainable development of
information literacy in the
broader context of student learning
Desenvolvimento sustentado de
Literacia Informacional no
contexto alargado da educação
let’s reflect on the what…
let’s investigate the why…
let’s consider the how…
Vamos Reflectir no “QUÊ”
Vamos Investigar o “PORQUÊ”
Vamos Considerar o “COMO”
What… concepts & principles
why… cause & effect
How… strategies & actions
Challenge 1
The scale of current economic and social change,
the rapid transition to a knowledge-based society
and demographic pressures resulting from an ageing
population… are all challenges which demand a new
approach to education and training,
within the framework of lifelong learning.
information literacy
… is an intellectual framework for
recognising the need for understanding,
finding, evaluating & using information
– activities which may be supported in
part by fluency with information technology,
in part by sound investigative methods,
but most importantly, through
critical discernment & reasoning.
Australian Information Literacy Standards (2000)
Prague Declaration
Towards an information literate society
The creation of an Information Society is key to
social, cultural & economic development of
nations & communities, institutions & individuals…
… is a prerequisite for participating effectively in the Information Society,
and is part of the basic human right of lifelong learning
… plays a leading role in reducing the inequities within and among countries
and peoples, and in promoting tolerance and mutual understanding through
information use in multicultural and multilingual contexts
… a necessary step in closing the digital divide through the creation
of an information literate citizenry, an effective civil society and a
competitive workforce
… is a concern to all sectors of society and should be tailored by
each to its specific needs and context
…should be an integral part of Education of All, which can contribute critically to
the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, and respect for the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
lifelong learning…
…acquiring and updating all kinds
of abilities, interests, knowledge and
qualifications from the pre-school
years to post-retirement
…promotes the development of
knowledge and competences
that will enable each citizen
to adapt to the knowledge-based
society and actively participate in
all spheres of social and
economic life, taking more
control of his or her future
…valuing all forms of learning,
including: formal learning
(k12-post education),
non-formal learning (workplace),
and informal learning (society)
European Commission Communication: Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality (Nov 2001)
processes which entail the
broad implementation of new
processes and systems to create
new, or transform existing,
practices to accomplish
major goals
In Roberto, M. & Levesque, L. “The Art of Making Change Initiatives Stick”.
MIT Sloan Management Review, Summer, 2005, 46 (4), pp. 54-60, (2005).
O Objectivo
deliver sequential,
sustainable learning
of information literacy
for students
through systemic reform
of information literacy
education bound to
strategic planning
to more fully support
individuals in their efforts
to instigate broad implementation
at a practical level
Isto é o fim do 1º episódio. Agradeço correcções e propostas de outra tradução nos comentários a esta entrada. Mais uns dias e coloco o segundo episódio: